Center of Innovation on Disability & Rehab Research (CINDRR)
CINDRR Investigators Active in ACRM

ACRM Military/Veterans Affairs Networking Group, including Gail Powell-Cope, Risa Nakase-Richardson (Co-Chair), Tina Dillahunt-Aspillaga, Karen Besterman-Dahan, Bridget Cotner, Marc Silva, and Joel Scholten (Co-chair)
The American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Military and Veterans Affairs Networking Group offers networking opportunities between non-government and government ACRM members and functions as an advisory group to maximize VA and DOD participation in ACRM. This group builds bridges within and across ACRM communities including brain injury, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, measurement science, neurodegenerative disorders, health policy, technology, pediatrics, geriatric rehabilitation, limb restoration, arts and neuroscience, and complementary, integrative rehabilitation medicine. ACRM Communities have task forces that focus on specific topics that provide members an opportunity to network with other ACRM Members and engage in product development such as conference presentations, knowledge translation materials, research projects, systematic reviews, and more. There are two established task forces within this group and two new ones in development.
Community Re-Integration Task Force
This group provides opportunities to collaborate on presentations and research related to community reintegration. Current Product: Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation -APMR CR Supplement: Community Reintegration, Participation, and Employment for Veterans and Service Members with Traumatic Brain Injury. This supplement contains 12 manuscripts and is scheduled for publication late 2017.
Co-Chair: Christina (Tina) Dillahunt-Aspillaga, PhD
Co-Chair: Gail Powell-Cope, PhD
Novel Research Methods Task Force
Conference: 2017 ACRM Military content:
Chair: Maheen Adamson, PhD
Psychological Health Task Force (New)
Co-Chair: Cathie Johnston-Brooks, PhD, ABPP-CN
Co-Chair: Lisa Brenner, Ph.D.
Family and Caregiving Task Force (New)
Co-Chairs Being Sought